Monthly Archives: August 2020

System Back up

August 22, 2020

Big thanks to Mark N7CTM and Ben KC2VJW!!  The system was only down for a few hours Thursday night before being restored.  They trecked up the hill by foot to get to the site and were able to affect repairs in one trip.

Entire System Unlinked

August 21, 2020

A failure at the Thorodin site has the entire system unlinked.  A team is actually heading up this evening with a backup team getting queued up for tomorrow if we are not able to fix it in one trip.

CCRI Flyer error corrected

August 16, 2020

Oops!  We had a frequency error for the Breckenridge repeater in our flyer you can download from the About Us page.  It has been corrected.  If you downloaded that flyer, please get the latest copy.  Thanks for catching this Bob!